Brodt: This has gone on too long
The schools in Newton have always been the shining gem of our community. Education was highly valued, and, therefore, funded. And now, they are running on fumes.
School personnel are what make education in Newton phenomenal. Despite the crumbling buildings, the out of date texts, and lack of technology, our schools shine bright. Great teachers make schools great.
Teachers are experts in their field. They are educated and trained professionals and municipal employees. And yet they get neither the respect of other educated professionals nor the deference of other public service jobs. Lawyers and doctors do not have their work, intelligence, and motives consistently questioned like this, nor would contract negotiations with police or fire unions ever take this long or be handled in this disrespectful way.
Furthermore, the fact that teaching has long been a female-dominated profession (despite the fact that leadership tends to be male — including those speaking for the school committee and the NTA, which is a discussion for another day — cannot be dismissed. There is a level of sexism at play when outsiders talk about the worth and authority of teachers.
The school committee and mayor need to stop claiming to have our children’s best interest at heart as they use them as pawns. Governments are not business. The aim should not be to make a profit or get discounts. The goal should be to create the kind of community that is desired and supported by its citizens.
It is past time for them to do their job. Go to the bargaining table with student well-being and education as the priorities. Accept the reality that compromise is needed and waiting for public opinion to turn or fines to get too big are not appropriate bargaining tools. Help create the schools our community wants and deserves.
Mali Brodt
Newton Centre